Friday, October 3, 2014

Temporary Finale

We talked about bridges. What was that anyway?... Otherwise, shared a few interesting topics about phenomenally miniature things in general. This blog really needed a new direction before it got started. For the time being Fenominimals will be taking a back burner to a more essential, yet enjoyable public statement. The phenomenal value of reading! As a writer, it is always a goal to showcase one’s work in a fashion which becomes a joyful read as an end result to the effort put forth. For this reason Charlotte’z We[b]log is taking a front seat in this writer’s mind and therefore will be allowed the creative focus to become a great set of words. Please excuse this closure and consider it only temporary while I hone in on this focus that is necessary for solid content within these other avenues which are already in place. And so, in the meantime, please visit for weekly posts regarding the life of a turtle, uncut. This young reptile is a growing young soul which will likely reach an age near 30 years or more. Each week, this currently, miniature little creature will provide updates on world events from the perspective of an age old species. It is sure likely that we may all have something to gain when viewing the world through the eyes of another. Or in wearing their shoes. Whatever fits. Regardless of species. Consider this a new movement. In this technologically advanced age whereupon individuals are becoming more individualistic, I want you to read to your kids. Encourage THEM to read. Charlotte’z We[b]log will feature recorded events for you and your family to enjoy weekly or you can simply read the content yourself and share it with your friends and family. Perhaps you may set aside twenty minutes per week to enjoy this story, together. Even as this very blog is a social media event… nobody said we can’t still do things together. Remember story hour when you were a kid, wasn’t that fun?! Any feedback you might offer regarding topics and ideas for things you may like to know are appreciated. In the meantime, we’ll see you at and don’t forget about other updates and services available via my blog and website or Tidings.