Monday, August 11, 2014


Small things can be pretty amazing. Think about it. We all love something miniature - from miniature ponies to miniature race car hotwheels. They are SO cute! Consider children. They are cute because they are miniature human beings. Regardless if the poor child will grow up to become a homely person, that baby is CUTE! Same goes for little tiny reproductions of animals, houses, furniture, tupperware even. Something smaller than scale equals neat, cute and largely unbelievable. Furthermore comparing to something giant which intrigues yet is somehow not nearly as orderly as these little phenomenons. Mostly, miniature things are amazing because something was replicated from somebody’s imagination. What was once of what we could know to be big or powerful, almighty even, has become small enough for us to hold in our hand. This, just such as an almighty power may gaze upon this world; a miniature ball of water and gasses in a universe beyond fathomable replication. And so, it must be an extraordinary fate for this miniature creation (whatever it is) to be reformed in this large and oversized world, which isn’t so big after all when you consider the aforementioned. Likewise, for the grain of sand previously discussed as to why we do SO love miniature things. Very miniature rocks! Is that cool or what!?! For those that do not think full grown rocks are super neat, we will have to come back to you later. Rocks are marvelous specimens, miniature or mountainous. One must imagine how many grains of sand it may take to create a mountain. The expanse of so many beaches throughout our beautiful planet must hold the capacity to build walls upon our seas. Those tiny little pebbles mean a bit something more when you are kicking your toes through the sand now, don’t they? Perhaps this is our infatuation with pocket sized things. Perhaps we might like even to believe that our very own creator also holds a likeness to ‘carrying’ things that are small and darling, as we all are. As everything in creation is. Friends, I assure you, all things miniature are either cute or neat or simply enchanting enough that one must place it in one’s hand, or touch it, or gaze at it for sheer pleasure of utilizing our own cognition to create the image of the larger more established epicenter of creation. We can see the ‘baby’ tonka truck and compare it to the real thing in so much as we try to compare ourselves to our own creator. The result of miniature things has become what this ever expansive universe is. Phenomenal or Fenominimal.

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